The term foodie implies a level of effort in all things food - trends, sourcing, following food professionals, etc. - that I just don't give it. I love to eat, I love to cook and I talk about it way too much. So, for my friends and family, here are some of the places I've gone, food I've cooked and fun facts to know and tell I thought you might enjoy!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Bacon Taco of Awesome

Via friend Sue Hayes, the Bacon Taco of Awesome. No recipe, but I gotta try me this. Layer up some bacon in a pan, let it fuse together whilst frying. Bend it at the crisp but not brittle stage.  OMG! See, I'm really not a foodie if this is making me fantasize!

1 comment:

  1. OH Mah Sweet Baby Jesus, I now have to put my head down on my wench !

